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MakieCore.arrows Function
arrows(points, directions; kwargs...)
arrows(x, y, u, v)
arrows(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector, u::AbstractMatrix, v::AbstractMatrix)
arrows(x, y, z, u, v, w)
arrows(x, y, [z], f::Function)

Plots arrows at the specified points with the specified components. u and v are interpreted as vector components (u being the x and v being the y), and the vectors are plotted with the tails at x, y.

If x, y, u, v are <: AbstractVector, then each 'row' is plotted as a single vector.

If u, v are <: AbstractMatrix, then x and y are interpreted as specifications for a grid, and u, v are plotted as arrows along the grid.

arrows can also work in three dimensions.

If a Function is provided in place of u, v, [w], then it must accept a Point as input, and return an appropriately dimensioned Point, Vec, or other array-like output.

Plot type

The plot type alias for the arrows function is Arrows.



using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (800, 800))
Axis(f[1, 1], backgroundcolor = "black")

xs = LinRange(0, 2pi, 20)
ys = LinRange(0, 3pi, 20)
us = [sin(x) * cos(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
vs = [-cos(x) * sin(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
strength = vec(sqrt.(us .^ 2 .+ vs .^ 2))

arrows!(xs, ys, us, vs, arrowsize = 10, lengthscale = 0.3,
    arrowcolor = strength, linecolor = strength)

using GLMakie
ps = [Point3f(x, y, z) for x in -5:2:5 for y in -5:2:5 for z in -5:2:5]
ns = map(p -> 0.1 * Vec3f(p[2], p[3], p[1]), ps)
    ps, ns, fxaa=true, # turn on anti-aliasing
    linecolor = :gray, arrowcolor = :black,
    linewidth = 0.1, arrowsize = Vec3f(0.3, 0.3, 0.4),
    align = :center, axis=(type=Axis3,)
using GLMakie
using LinearAlgebra

ps = [Point3f(x, y, z) for x in -5:2:5 for y in -5:2:5 for z in -5:2:5]
ns = map(p -> 0.1 * Vec3f(p[2], p[3], p[1]), ps)
lengths = norm.(ns)
    ps, ns, fxaa=true, # turn on anti-aliasing
    linewidth = 0.1, arrowsize = Vec3f(0.3, 0.3, 0.4),
    align = :center, axis=(type=Axis3,)

arrows can also take a function f(x::Point{N})::Point{N} which returns the arrow vector when given the arrow's origin.

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size = (800, 800))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], backgroundcolor = "black")
xs = LinRange(0, 2pi, 20)
ys = LinRange(0, 3pi, 20)
# explicit method
us = [sin(x) * cos(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
vs = [-cos(x) * sin(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
strength = vec(sqrt.(us .^ 2 .+ vs .^ 2))
# function method
arrow_fun(x) = Point2f(sin(x[1])*cos(x[2]), -cos(x[1])*sin(x[2]))
arrows!(ax, xs, ys, arrow_fun, arrowsize = 10, lengthscale = 0.3,
    arrowcolor = strength, linecolor = strength)



Defaults to :origin

Sets how arrows are positioned. By default arrows start at the given positions and extend along the given directions. If this attribute is set to :head, :lineend, :tailend, :headstart or :center the given positions will be between the head and tail of each arrow instead.


Defaults to 1.0

The alpha value of the colormap or color attribute. Multiple alphas like in plot(alpha=0.2, color=(:red, 0.5), will get multiplied.


Defaults to automatic

Sets the color of the arrow head. Will copy color if set to automatic.


Defaults to automatic

Defines the marker (2D) or mesh (3D) that is used as the arrow head. The default for is '▲' in 2D and a cone mesh in 3D. For the latter the mesh should start at Point3f(0) and point in positive z-direction.


Defaults to automatic

Scales the size of the arrow head. This defaults to 0.3 in the 2D case and Vec3f(0.2, 0.2, 0.3) in the 3D case. For the latter the first two components scale the radius (in x/y direction) and the last scales the length of the cone. If the arrowsize is set to 1, the cone will have a diameter and length of 1.


Defaults to automatic

Defines the mesh used to draw the arrow tail in 3D. It should start at Point3f(0) and extend in negative z-direction. The default is a cylinder. This has no effect on the 2D plot.


Defaults to 0.0

Sets a weight for secondary light calculation with inverted normals.


Defaults to automatic

Clip planes offer a way to do clipping in 3D space. You can set a Vector of up to 8 Plane3f planes here, behind which plots will be clipped (i.e. become invisible). By default clip planes are inherited from the parent plot or scene. You can remove parent clip_planes by passing Plane3f[].


Defaults to :black

Sets the color of arrowheads and lines. Can be overridden separately using linecolor and arrowcolor.


Defaults to @inherit colormap :viridis

Sets the colormap that is sampled for numeric colors. PlotUtils.cgrad(...), Makie.Reverse(any_colormap) can be used as well, or any symbol from ColorBrewer or PlotUtils. To see all available color gradients, you can call Makie.available_gradients().


Defaults to automatic

The values representing the start and end points of colormap.


Defaults to identity

The color transform function. Can be any function, but only works well together with Colorbar for identity, log, log2, log10, sqrt, logit, Makie.pseudolog10 and Makie.Symlog10.


Defaults to 0.0

adjusts the depth value of a plot after all other transformations, i.e. in clip space, where 0 <= depth <= 1. This only applies to GLMakie and WGLMakie and can be used to adjust render order (like a tunable overdraw).


Defaults to 1.0

Sets how strongly the red, green and blue channel react to diffuse (scattered) light.


Defaults to automatic

adjusts whether the plot is rendered with fxaa (anti-aliasing, GLMakie only).


Defaults to automatic

The color for any value above the colorrange.


Defaults to true

sets whether this plot should be seen by DataInspector.


Defaults to automatic

Sets a callback function (inspector, plot) -> ... for cleaning up custom indicators in DataInspector.


Defaults to automatic

Sets a callback function (inspector, plot, index) -> ... which replaces the default show_data methods.


Defaults to automatic

Sets a callback function (plot, index, position) -> string which replaces the default label generated by DataInspector.


Defaults to 1.0

Scales the length of the arrow tail.


Defaults to automatic

Sets the color used for the arrow tail which is represented by a line in 2D. Will copy color if set to automatic.


Defaults to nothing

Sets the linestyle used in 2D. Does not apply to 3D plots.


Defaults to automatic

Scales the width/diameter of the arrow tail. Defaults to 1 for 2D and 0.05 for the 3D case.


Defaults to automatic

The color for any value below the colorrange.


Defaults to :pixel

No docs available.


Defaults to nothing

RPRMakie only attribute to set complex RadeonProRender materials. Warning, how to set an RPR material may change and other backends will ignore this attribute


Defaults to automatic

Sets a model matrix for the plot. This overrides adjustments made with translate!, rotate! and scale!.


Defaults to :transparent

The color for NaN values.


Defaults to false

By default the lengths of the directions given to arrows are used to scale the length of the arrow tails. If this attribute is set to true the directions are normalized, skipping this scaling.


Defaults to false

Controls if the plot will draw over other plots. This specifically means ignoring depth checks in GL backends


Defaults to 32

Defines the number of angle subdivisions used when generating the arrow head and tail meshes. Consider lowering this if you have performance issues. Only applies to 3D plots.


Defaults to automatic

Sets the lighting algorithm used. Options are NoShading (no lighting), FastShading (AmbientLight + PointLight) or MultiLightShading (Multiple lights, GLMakie only). Note that this does not affect RPRMakie.


Defaults to 32.0

Sets how sharp the reflection is.


Defaults to :data

sets the transformation space for box encompassing the plot. See Makie.spaces() for possible inputs.


Defaults to 0.2

Sets how strongly the object reflects light in the red, green and blue channels.


Defaults to false

Adjusts whether the plot is rendered with ssao (screen space ambient occlusion). Note that this only makes sense in 3D plots and is only applicable with fxaa = true.


Defaults to automatic

No docs available.


Defaults to false

Adjusts how the plot deals with transparency. In GLMakie transparency = true results in using Order Independent Transparency.


Defaults to true

Controls whether the plot will be rendered or not.