How to match figure size, font sizes and dpi
We want to create three plots for inclusion in a document. These are the requirements:
Figure 1: png @ 4x3 inches and 100 dpi
Figure 2: png @ 9x7 cm and 300 dpi
Figure 3: svg @ 4x3 inches
The fontsize of all three should match the document's 12pt setting.
We assume the convention that Makie's unitless figure size is actually equivalent to CSS pixels. For a deeper explanation why, check the section Figure size and resolution.
We're using Typst here but the technique applies similarly for all authoring tools that allow you to set the dimensions of included images.
using CairoMakie
using Typst_jll
# these are relative to 1 CSS px
inch = 96
pt = 4/3
cm = inch / 2.54
f1 = Figure(size = (4inch, 3inch), fontsize = 12pt)
f2 = Figure(size = (9cm, 7cm), fontsize = 12pt)
f3 = Figure(size = (4inch, 3inch), fontsize = 12pt)
titles = [
"Figure 1: png @ 4x3 inches and 100 dpi",
"Figure 2: png @ 9x7 cm and 300 dpi",
"Figure 3: svg @ 4x3 inches",
data = cumsum(randn(100))
for (f, title) in zip([f1, f2, f3], titles)
ax = Axis(f[1, 1]; title, xlabel = "time (s)", ylabel = "value (€)")
lines!(ax, data)
save("figure1.png", f1, px_per_unit = 100/inch)
save("figure2.png", f2, px_per_unit = 300/inch)
save("figure3.svg", f3)
typst_code = """
#set page(fill: rgb("#f5f2eb"))
#set text(font: "TeX Gyre Heros Makie", size: 12pt, fill: luma(50%))
This is some text at 12pt which the figures below should match.
#image("figure1.png", width: 4in, height: 3in)
#image("figure2.png", width: 9cm, height: 7cm)
#image("figure3.svg") // vector graphics have physical dimensions
open(io -> println(io, typst_code), "document.typ", "w")
cp(Makie.assetpath("fonts", "TeXGyreHerosMakie-Regular.otf"), "./texgyre.otf")
run(`$(Typst_jll.typst()) compile --font-path . document.typ output.svg`)