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The PolarAxis is an axis for data given in polar coordinates, i.e a radius and an angle. It is currently an experimental feature, meaning that some functionality might be missing or broken, and that the PolarAxis is (more) open to breaking changes.

Creating a PolarAxis

Creating a PolarAxis works the same way as creating an Axis.

using CairoMakie

f = Figure()

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "Title")


Plotting into an PolarAxis

Like with an Axis you can use mutating 2D plot functions directly on a PolarAxis. The input arguments of the plot functions will then be interpreted in polar coordinates, i.e. as an angle (in radians) and a radius. The order of a arguments can be changed with ax.theta_as_x.

using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (800, 400))

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "Theta as x")
lineobject = lines!(ax, 0..2pi, sin, color = :red)

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 2], title = "R as x", theta_as_x = false)
scatobject = scatter!(range(0, 10, length=100), cos, color = :orange)


PolarAxis Limits

By default the PolarAxis will assume po.rlimits[] = (0.0, nothing) and po.thetalimits[] = (0.0, 2pi), showing a full circle. You can adjust these limits to show different cut-outs of the PolarAxis. For example, we can limit thetalimits to a smaller range to generate a circle sector and further limit rmin through rlimits to cut out the center to an arc.

using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (600, 600))

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "Default")
lines!(ax, range(0, 8pi, length=300), range(0, 10, length=300))
ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 2], title = "thetalimits", thetalimits = (-pi/6, pi/6))
lines!(ax, range(0, 8pi, length=300), range(0, 10, length=300))

ax = PolarAxis(f[2, 1], title = "rlimits", rlimits = (5, 10))
lines!(ax, range(0, 8pi, length=300), range(0, 10, length=300))
ax = PolarAxis(f[2, 2], title = "both")
lines!(ax, range(0, 8pi, length=300), range(0, 10, length=300))
thetalims!(ax, -pi/6, pi/6)
rlims!(ax, 5, 10)


You can make further adjustments to the orientation of the PolarAxis by adjusting ax.theta_0 and ax.direction. These adjust how angles are interpreted by the polar transform following the formula output_angle = direction * (input_angle + theta_0).

using CairoMakie
f = Figure()

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "Reoriented Axis", theta_0 = -pi/2, direction = -1)
lines!(ax, range(0, 8pi, length=300), range(0, 10, length=300))
thetalims!(ax, -pi/6, pi/6)
rlims!(ax, 5, 10)


Note that by default translations in adjustments of rmin and thetalimits are blocked. These can be unblocked by calling autolimits!(ax[, true]) which also tells the PolarAxis to derive r- and thetalimits freely from data, or by setting ax.fixrmin[] = false and ax.thetazoomlock[] = false.

Plot type compatability

Not every plot type is compatible with the polar transform. For example image is not as it expects to be drawn on a rectangle. heatmap works to a degree in CairoMakie, but not GLMakie due to differences in the backend implementation. surface can be used as a replacement for image as it generates a triangle mesh. To avoid having the surface plot extend in z-direction and thus messing with render order it is recommended to pass the color-data through the color attribute and use a matrix of zeros for the z-data. As a replacement for heatmap you can use voronoiplot, which generates cells of arbitrary shape around points given to it. Here you will generally need to set rlims!(ax, rmax) yourself.

using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (800, 500))

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "Surface")
rs = 0:10
phis = range(0, 2pi, 37)
cs = [r+cos(4phi) for phi in phis, r in rs]
p = surface!(ax, 0..2pi, 0..10, zeros(size(cs)), color = cs, shading = NoShading, colormap = :coolwarm)
ax.gridz[] = 100
tightlimits!(ax) # surface plots include padding by default
Colorbar(f[2, 1], p, vertical = false, flipaxis = false)

ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 2], title = "Voronoi")
rs = 1:10
phis = range(0, 2pi, 37)[1:36]
cs = [r+cos(4phi) for phi in phis, r in rs]
p = voronoiplot!(ax, phis, rs, cs, show_generators = false, strokewidth = 0)
rlims!(ax, 0.0, 10.5)
Colorbar(f[2, 2], p, vertical = false, flipaxis = false)


Note that in order to see the grid we need to adjust its depth with ax.gridz[] = 100 (higher z means lower depth). The hard limits for ax.gridz are (-10_000, 10_000) with 9000 being a soft limit where axis components may order incorrectly.

Hiding spines and decorations

For a PolarAxis we interpret the outer ring limiting the plotting area as the axis spine. You can manipulate it with the spine... attributes.

using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax1 = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], title = "No spine", spinevisible = false)
scatterlines!(ax1, range(0, 1, length=100), range(0, 10pi, length=100), color = 1:100)

ax2 = PolarAxis(f[1, 2], title = "Modified spine")
ax2.spinecolor[] = :red
ax2.spinestyle[] = :dash
ax2.spinewidth[] = 5
scatterlines!(ax2, range(0, 1, length=100), range(0, 10pi, length=100), color = 1:100)


Decorations such as grid lines and tick labels can be adjusted through attributes in much the same way.

using CairoMakie
f = Figure(size = (600, 600), backgroundcolor = :black)
ax = PolarAxis(
    f[1, 1],
    backgroundcolor = :black,
    # r minor grid
    rminorgridvisible = true, rminorgridcolor = :red,
    rminorgridwidth = 1.0, rminorgridstyle = :dash,
    # theta minor grid
    thetaminorgridvisible = true, thetaminorgridcolor = :lightblue,
    thetaminorgridwidth = 1.0, thetaminorgridstyle = :dash,
    # major grid
    rgridwidth = 2, rgridcolor = :red,
    thetagridwidth = 2, thetagridcolor = :lightblue,
    # r labels
    rticklabelsize = 18, rticklabelcolor = :red,
    rticklabelstrokewidth = 1.0, rticklabelstrokecolor = :white,
    # theta labels
    thetaticklabelsize = 18, thetaticklabelcolor = :lightblue


We can also hide the spine after creation with hidespines!(ax). And, hide the ticklabels, grid, and/or minorgrid with hidedecorations!, hiderdecorations, and hidethetadecorations!.

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
fullaxis(figpos, title) = PolarAxis(figpos;
ax1 = fullaxis(fig[1, 1][1, 1], "all decorations")
ax2 = fullaxis(fig[1, 1][1, 2], "hide spine")
ax3 = fullaxis(fig[2, 1][1, 1], "hide r decorations")
ax4 = fullaxis(fig[2, 1][1, 2], "hide theta decorations")
ax5 = fullaxis(fig[2, 1][1, 3], "hide all decorations")


The PolarAxis currently implements zooming, translation and resetting. Zooming is implemented via scrolling, with ax.rzoomkey = Keyboard.r restricting zooming to the radial direction and ax.thetazoomkey = Keyboard.t restring to angular zooming. You can block zooming in the r-direction by setting ax.rzoomlock = true and ax.thetazoomlock = true for theta direction. Furthermore you can disable zooming from changing just rmin with ax.fixrmin = true and adjust its speed with ax.zoomspeed = 0.1.

Translations are implemented with mouse drag. By default radial translations use ax.r_translation_button = Mouse.right and angular translations also use ax.theta_translation_button = Mouse.right. If ax.fixrmin = true translation in the r direction are not allowed. If you want to disable one of these interaction you can set corresponding button to false.

There is also an interaction for rotating the whole axis using ax.axis_rotation_button = Keyboard.left_control & Mouse.right and resetting the axis view uses ax.reset_button = Keyboard.left_control & Mouse.left, matching Axis. You can adjust whether this resets the rotation of the axis with ax.reset_axis_orientation = false.

Note that PolarAxis currently does not implement the interaction interface used by Axis.

Other Notes

Plotting outside a PolarAxis

Currently there are two poly plots outside the area of the PolarAxis which clip the content to the relevant area. If you want to draw outside the clip limiting the polar axis but still within it's scene area, you need to translate those plots to a z range between 9000 and 10_000 or disable clipping via the clip attribute.

For reference, the z values used by PolarAxis are po.griddepth[] = 8999 for grid lines, 9000 for the clip polygons, 9001 for spines and 9002 for tick labels.

Radial Offset

If you have a plot with rlimits far away from 0 you will end up with a lot of empty space in the PolarAxis. Consider for example:

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1], thetalimits = (0, pi))
lines!(ax, range(0, pi, length=100), 10 .+ sin.(0.3 .* (1:100)))

In this case you may want to offset the r-direction to make more of your data visible. This can be done by setting ax.radius_at_origin which translates radii as r_out = r_in - radius_at_origin.

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1], thetalimits = (0, pi), radius_at_origin = 8)
lines!(ax, range(0, pi, length=100), 10 .+ sin.(0.3 .* (1:100)))

This can also be used to show a plot with negative radii:

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1], thetalimits = (0, pi), radius_at_origin = -12)
lines!(ax, range(0, pi, length=100), sin.(0.3 .* (1:100)) .- 10)

Note however that translating radii results in some level of distortion:

using CairoMakie
phis = range(pi/4, 9pi/4, length=201)
rs = 1.0 ./ sin.(range(pi/4, 3pi/4, length=51)[1:end-1])
rs = vcat(rs, rs, rs, rs, rs[1])

fig = Figure(size = (900, 300))
ax1 = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1], radius_at_origin = -2,  title = "radius_at_origin = -2")
ax2 = PolarAxis(fig[1, 2], radius_at_origin = 0,   title = "radius_at_origin = 0")
ax3 = PolarAxis(fig[1, 3], radius_at_origin = 0.5, title = "radius_at_origin = 0.5")
for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3)
    lines!(ax, phis, rs .- 2, color = :red, linewidth = 4)
    lines!(ax, phis, rs, color = :black, linewidth = 4)
    lines!(ax, phis, rs .+ 0.5, color = :blue, linewidth = 4)

Radial clipping

By default radii r_out = r_in - radius_at_origin < 0 are clipped by the Polar transform. This can be disabled by setting ax.clip_r = false. With that setting r_out < 0 will pass through the polar transform as is, resulting in a coordinate at (|rout|,θpi).

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size = (600, 300))
ax1 = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1], radius_at_origin = 0.0, clip_r = true, title = "clip_r = true")
ax2 = PolarAxis(fig[1, 2], radius_at_origin = 0.0, clip_r = false, title = "clip_r = false")
for ax in (ax1, ax2)
    lines!(ax, 0..2pi, phi -> cos(2phi) - 0.5, color = :red, linewidth = 4)
    lines!(ax, 0..2pi, phi -> sin(2phi), color = :black, linewidth = 4)



Defaults to Inside()

The alignment of the scene in its suggested bounding box.


Defaults to Keyboard.left_control & Mouse.right

Sets the button for rotating the PolarAxis as a whole. This replaces theta translation when triggered and must include a mouse button.


Defaults to inherit(scene, :backgroundcolor, :white)

The background color of the axis.


Defaults to true

Controls whether to activate the nonlinear clip feature. Note that this should not be used when the background is ultimately transparent.


Defaults to true

Controls whether r < 0 (after applying radius_at_origin) gets clipped (true) or not (false).


Defaults to automatic

Sets the color of the clip polygon. Mainly for debug purposes.


Defaults to nothing

Global state for the x dimension conversion.


Defaults to nothing

Global state for the y dimension conversion.


Defaults to 1

The direction of rotation. Can be -1 (clockwise) or 1 (counterclockwise).


Defaults to true

Controls whether rmin remains fixed during zooming and translation. (The latter will be turned off by setting this to true.)


Defaults to -100

Sets the z value of grid lines. To place the grid above plots set this to a value between 1 and 8999.


Defaults to :center

The horizontal alignment of the scene in its suggested bounding box.


Defaults to nothing

The height setting of the scene.


Defaults to true

Sets whether shown theta ticks get normalized to a -2pi to 2pi range. If not, the limits such as (2pi, 4pi) will be shown as that range.


Defaults to Mouse.right

Sets the mouse button for translating the plot in r-direction.


Defaults to automatic

Sets the radius at the origin of the PolarAxis such that r_out = r_in - radius_at_origin. Can be set to automatic to match rmin. Note that this will affect the shape of plotted objects.


Defaults to (0.05, 0.05)

The relative margins added to the autolimits in r direction.


Defaults to false

Sets whether the axis orientation (changed with the axis_rotation_button) gets reset when resetting the axis. If set to false only the limits will reset.


Defaults to Keyboard.left_control & Mouse.left

Sets the button or button combination for resetting the axis view. (This should be compatible with ispressed.)


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xgridcolor), (:black, 0.5))

The color of the r grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xgridstyle), nothing)

The linestyle of the r grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xgridvisible), true)

Controls if the r grid is visible.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xgridwidth), 1)

The linewidth of the r grid.


Defaults to (:origin, nothing)

The radial limits of the PolarAxis.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xminorgridcolor), (:black, 0.2))

The color of the r minor grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xminorgridstyle), nothing)

The linestyle of the r minor grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xminorgridvisible), false)

Controls if the r minor grid is visible.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xminorgridwidth), 1)

The linewidth of the r minor grid.


Defaults to IntervalsBetween(2)

The specifier for the minor r ticks.


Defaults to automatic

The angle in radians along which the r ticks are printed.


Defaults to Makie.automatic

The formatter for the r ticks


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xticklabelcolor), inherit(scene, :textcolor, :black))

The color of the r tick labels.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xticklabelfont), inherit(scene, :font, Makie.defaultfont()))

The font of the r tick labels.


Defaults to 4.0

Padding of the r ticks label.


Defaults to automatic

Sets the rotation of r tick labels.


  • :radial rotates labels based on the angle they appear at

  • :horizontal keeps labels at a horizontal orientation

  • :aligned rotates labels based on the angle they appear at but keeps them up-right and close to horizontal

  • automatic uses :horizontal when theta limits span >1.9pi and :aligned otherwise

  • ::Real sets the label rotation to a specific value


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xticklabelsize), 16)

The fontsize of the r tick labels.


Defaults to automatic

The color of the outline of r ticks. By default this uses the background color.


Defaults to 0.0

The width of the outline of r ticks. Setting this to 0 will remove the outline.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :xticklabelsvisible), true)

Controls if the r ticks are visible.


Defaults to LinearTicks(4)

The specifier for the radial (r) ticks, similar to xticks for a normal Axis.


Defaults to Keyboard.r

Sets the key used to restrict zooming to the r-direction. Can be set to true to always restrict zooming or false to disable the interaction.


Defaults to false

Controls whether adjusting the rlimits through interactive zooming is blocked.


Defaults to 90

The density at which curved lines are sampled. (grid lines, spine lines, clip)


Defaults to :black

The color of the spine.


Defaults to nothing

The linestyle of the spine.


Defaults to true

Controls whether the spine is visible.


Defaults to 2

The width of the spine.


Defaults to true

Controls if the parent layout can adjust to this element's height


Defaults to true

Controls if the parent layout can adjust to this element's width


Defaults to 0.0

The angular offset for (1, 0) in the PolarAxis. This rotates the axis.


Defaults to true

Controls the argument order of the Polar transform. If theta_as_x = true it is (θ, r), otherwise (r, θ).


Defaults to Mouse.right

Sets the mouse button for translating the plot in theta-direction. Note that this can be the same as radial_translation_button.


Defaults to (0.05, 0.05)

The relative margins added to the autolimits in theta direction.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :ygridcolor), (:black, 0.5))

The color of the theta grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :ygridstyle), nothing)

The linestyle of the theta grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :ygridvisible), true)

Controls if the theta grid is visible.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :ygridwidth), 1)

The linewidth of the theta grid.


Defaults to (0.0, 2pi)

The angle limits of the PolarAxis. (0.0, 2pi) results a full circle. (nothing, nothing) results in limits picked based on plot limits.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yminorgridcolor), (:black, 0.2))

The color of the theta minor grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yminorgridstyle), nothing)

The linestyle of the theta minor grid.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yminorgridvisible), false)

Controls if the theta minor grid is visible.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yminorgridwidth), 1)

The linewidth of the theta minor grid.


Defaults to IntervalsBetween(2)

The specifier for the minor theta ticks.


Defaults to Makie.automatic

The formatter for the theta ticks.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yticklabelcolor), inherit(scene, :textcolor, :black))

The color of the theta tick labels.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yticklabelfont), inherit(scene, :font, Makie.defaultfont()))

The font of the theta tick labels.


Defaults to 4.0

Padding of the theta ticks label.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yticklabelsize), 16)

The fontsize of the theta tick labels.


Defaults to automatic

The color of the outline of theta ticks. By default this uses the background color.


Defaults to 0.0

The width of the outline of theta ticks. Setting this to 0 will remove the outline.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :yticklabelsvisible), true)

Controls if the theta ticks are visible.


Defaults to AngularTicks(180 / pi, "°")

The specifier for the angular (theta) ticks, similar to yticks for a normal Axis.


Defaults to Keyboard.t

Sets the key used to restrict zooming to the theta-direction. Can be set to true to always restrict zooming or false to disable the interaction.


Defaults to true

Controls whether adjusting the thetalimits through interactive zooming is blocked.


Defaults to ""

The title of the plot


Defaults to :center

The alignment of the title. Can be any of :center, :left, or :right.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :titlecolor), inherit(scene, :textcolor, :black))

The color of the title.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :titlefont), inherit(scene, :font, Makie.defaultfont()))

The font of the title.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :titlesize), map((x->begin x / 2 end), inherit(scene, :fontsize, 16)))

The gap between the title and the top of the axis


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :titlesize), map((x->begin 1.2x end), inherit(scene, :fontsize, 16)))

The fontsize of the title.


Defaults to inherit(scene, (:Axis, :titlevisible), true)

Controls if the title is visible.


Defaults to :center

The vertical alignment of the scene in its suggested bounding box.


Defaults to nothing

The width setting of the scene.


Defaults to 0.1

Sets the speed of scroll based zooming. Setting this to 0 effectively disables zooming.