

Plot a histogram of values.

Plot type

The plot type alias for the hist function is Hist.


bar_labels = nothingNo docs available.

bins = 15 — Can be an Int to create that number of equal-width bins over the range of values. Alternatively, it can be a sorted iterable of bin edges.

color = @inherit patchcolor — Color can either be:

  • a vector of bins colors

  • a single color

  • :values, to color the bars with the values from the histogram

cycle = [:color => :patchcolor]No docs available.

direction = :y — Set the direction of the bars.

fillto = automatic — Defines where the bars start.

flip_labels_at = InfNo docs available.

label_color = @inherit textcolorNo docs available.

label_font = @inherit fontNo docs available.

label_formatter = bar_label_formatterNo docs available.

label_offset = 5No docs available.

label_size = 20No docs available.

normalization = :none — Allows to normalize the histogram. Possible values are:

  • :pdf: Normalize by sum of weights and bin sizes. Resulting histogram has norm 1 and represents a PDF.

  • :density: Normalize by bin sizes only. Resulting histogram represents count density of input and does not have norm 1. Will not modify the histogram if it already represents a density (h.isdensity == 1).

  • :probability: Normalize by sum of weights only. Resulting histogram represents the fraction of probability mass for each bin and does not have norm 1.

  • :none: Do not normalize.

offset = 0.0 — Adds an offset to every value.

over_background_color = automaticNo docs available.

over_bar_color = automaticNo docs available.

scale_to = nothing — Allows to scale all values to a certain height. This can also be set to :flip to flip the direction of histogram bars without scaling them to a common height.

strokecolor = @inherit patchstrokecolorNo docs available.

strokewidth = @inherit patchstrokewidthNo docs available.

weights = automatic — Allows to statistically weight the observations.


using GLMakie

data = randn(1000)

f = Figure()
hist(f[1, 1], data, bins = 10)
hist(f[1, 2], data, bins = 20, color = :red, strokewidth = 1, strokecolor = :black)
hist(f[2, 1], data, bins = [-5, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 5], color = :gray)
hist(f[2, 2], data, normalization = :pdf)

Histogram with labels

You can use all the same arguments as barplot:

using CairoMakie

data = randn(1000)

hist(data, normalization = :pdf, bar_labels = :values,
     label_formatter=x-> round(x, digits=2), label_size = 15,
     strokewidth = 0.5, strokecolor = (:black, 0.5), color = :values)

Moving histograms

With scale_to, and offset, one can put multiple histograms into the same plot. Note, that offset automatically sets fillto, to move the whole barplot. Also, one can use a negative scale_to amount to flip the histogram, or scale_to=:flip to flip the direction of the bars without changing their height.

using CairoMakie

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
for i in 1:5
     hist!(ax, randn(1000), scale_to=-0.6, offset=i, direction=:x)

Using statistical weights

using CairoMakie, Distributions

N = 100_000
x = rand(Uniform(-5, 5), N)

w = pdf.(Normal(), x)

fig = Figure()
hist(fig[1,1], x)
hist(fig[1,2], x, weights = w)
