Makie.rainclouds Function
rainclouds!(ax, category_labels, data_array; plot_boxplots=true, plot_clouds=true, kwargs...)
Plot a violin (/histogram), boxplot and individual data points with appropriate spacing between each.
: Axis used to place all these plots onto.category_labels
: TypicallyVector{String}
with a label for each element indata_array
: TypicallyVector{Float64}
used for to represent the datapoints to plot.
Plot type
The plot type alias for the rainclouds
function is RainClouds
"Raincloud" plots are a combination of a (half) violin plot, box plot and scatter plots. The three together can make an appealing and informative visual, particularly for large N datasets.
using CairoMakie
using Random
using Makie: rand_localized
#### Below is used for testing the plotting functionality.
function mockup_distribution(N)
all_possible_labels = ["Single Mode", "Double Mode", "Random Exp", "Uniform"]
category_type = rand(all_possible_labels)
if category_type == "Single Mode"
random_mean = rand_localized(0, 8)
random_spread_coef = rand_localized(0.3, 1)
data_points = random_spread_coef*randn(N) .+ random_mean
elseif category_type == "Double Mode"
random_mean = rand_localized(0, 8)
random_spread_coef = rand_localized(0.3, 1)
data_points = random_spread_coef*randn(Int(round(N/2.0))) .+ random_mean
random_mean = rand_localized(0, 8)
random_spread_coef = rand_localized(0.3, 1)
data_points = vcat(data_points, random_spread_coef*randn(Int(round(N/2.0))) .+ random_mean)
elseif category_type == "Random Exp"
data_points = randexp(N)
elseif category_type == "Uniform"
min = rand_localized(0, 4)
max = min + rand_localized(0.5, 4)
data_points = [rand_localized(min, max) for _ in 1:N]
error("Unidentified category.")
return data_points
function mockup_categories_and_data_array(num_categories; N = 500)
category_labels = String[]
data_array = Float64[]
for category_label in string.(('A':'Z')[1:min(num_categories, end)])
data_points = mockup_distribution(N)
append!(category_labels, fill(category_label, N))
append!(data_array, data_points)
return category_labels, data_array
category_labels, data_array = mockup_categories_and_data_array(3)
colors = Makie.wong_colors()
rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (; xlabel = "Categories of Distributions", ylabel = "Samples", title = "My Title"),
plot_boxplots = false, cloud_width=0.5, clouds=hist, hist_bins=50,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (; ylabel = "Categories of Distributions",
xlabel = "Samples", title = "My Title"),
orientation = :horizontal,
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5, clouds=hist,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (;
xlabel = "Categories of Distributions",
ylabel = "Samples",
title = "My Title"
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5, clouds=hist,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (;
xlabel = "Categories of Distributions",
ylabel = "Samples",
title = "My Title"
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5, side = :right,
violin_limits = extrema, color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (;
xlabel = "Categories of Distributions",
ylabel = "Samples",
title = "My Title",
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5, side = :right,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

more_category_labels, more_data_array = mockup_categories_and_data_array(6)
rainclouds(more_category_labels, more_data_array;
axis = (;
xlabel = "Categories of Distributions",
ylabel = "Samples",
title = "My Title",
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5,
color = colors[indexin(more_category_labels, unique(more_category_labels))])

category_labels, data_array = mockup_categories_and_data_array(6)
rainclouds(category_labels, data_array;
axis = (;
xlabel = "Categories of Distributions",
ylabel = "Samples",
title = "My Title",
plot_boxplots = true, cloud_width=0.5,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])

4 of these, between 3 distributions Left and Right example With and Without Box Plot
fig = Figure(size = (800*2, 600*5))
colors = [Makie.wong_colors(); Makie.wong_colors()]
category_labels, data_array = mockup_categories_and_data_array(3)
Axis(fig[1, 1], title = "Left Side, with Box Plot"),
category_labels, data_array;
side = :left,
plot_boxplots = true,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
Axis(fig[2, 1], title = "Left Side, without Box Plot"),
category_labels, data_array;
side = :left,
plot_boxplots = false,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
Axis(fig[1, 2], title = "Right Side, with Box Plot"),
category_labels, data_array;
side = :right,
plot_boxplots = true,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
Axis(fig[2, 2], title = "Right Side, without Box Plot"),
category_labels, data_array;
side = :right,
plot_boxplots = false,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
# Plots with more categories
# dist_between_categories (0.6, 1.0)
# with and without clouds
category_labels, data_array = mockup_categories_and_data_array(12)
Axis(fig[3, 1:2], title = "More categories. Default spacing."),
category_labels, data_array;
plot_boxplots = true,
gap = 1.0,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
Axis(fig[4, 1:2], title = "More categories. Adjust space. (smaller cloud widths and smaller category distances)"),
category_labels, data_array;
plot_boxplots = true,
cloud_width = 0.3,
gap = 0.5,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
Axis(fig[5, 1:2], title = "More categories. Adjust space. No clouds."),
category_labels, data_array;
plot_boxplots = true,
clouds = nothing,
gap = 0.5,
color = colors[indexin(category_labels, unique(category_labels))])
supertitle = Label(fig[0, :], "Cloud Plot Testing (Scatter, Violin, Boxplot)", fontsize=30)

Defaults to 0.075
Determines the distance away the boxplot should be placed from the center line when center_boxplot
is false
. This is the value used to recentering the boxplot.
Defaults to 0.1
Width of the boxplot on the category axis.
Defaults to true
Whether or not to center the boxplot on the category.
Defaults to 0.75
Determines size of violin plot. Corresponds to width
keyword arg in violin
Defaults to violin
, hist
, nothing
] how to show cloud plots, either as violin or histogram plots, or not at all.
Defaults to @inherit patchcolor
A single color, or a vector of colors, one for each point.
Defaults to [:color => :patchcolor]
No docs available.
Defaults to automatic
Vector of Integer
(length of data) of grouping variable to create multiple side-by-side boxes at the same x position
Defaults to 0.01
Spacing between dodged boxes.
Defaults to 0.2
Distance between elements on the main axis (depending on orientation
Defaults to 30
If clouds=hist
, this passes down the number of bins to the histogram call.
Defaults to 0.05
Determines the width of the scatter-plot bar in category x-axis absolute terms.
Defaults to 2.0
Size of marker used for the scatter plot.
Defaults to automatic
The number of categories to dodge (defaults to maximum(dodge)
Defaults to :vertical
Orientation of rainclouds (:vertical
or :horizontal
Defaults to true
Whether to show boxplots to summarize distribution of data.
Defaults to false
Show outliers in the boxplot as points (usually confusing when paired with the scatter plot so the default is to not show them)
Defaults to true
Determines whether or not to have a line for the median value in the boxplot.
Defaults to :left
Can take values of :left
, :right
, determines where the violin plot will be, relative to the scatter points
Defaults to automatic
Scatter plot specific. Default value is 0.02 if plot_boxplots
is true, otherwise 0.075
Defaults to 1.0
Determines the stroke width for the outline of the boxplot.
Defaults to (-Inf, Inf)
Specify values to trim the violin
. Can be a Tuple
or a Function
(e.g. datalimits=extrema
Defaults to 0.5
The width of the Q1, Q3 whisker in the boxplot. Value as a portion of the boxplot_width