Every plot and every scene contains a Transformation
object which holds the transform_func
and generates the model
Model Transformations
The model
matrix is composed of a translation, scaling and rotation, with the rotation acting first and the translation acting last. The translation is set by translate!()
, the scaling by scale!()
and the rotation by rotate!()
. Furthermore you can change the origin used for scaling and rotating with origin!()
using GLMakie
using GLMakie
box = Rect2f(0.9, -0.1, 0.2, 0.2)
f = Figure(size = (500, 450))
a = Axis(f[1, 1], aspect = DataAspect())
xlims!(a, 0.2, 1.2); a.xticks[] = 0.1:0.2:1.1
ylims!(a, -0.2, 0.8); a.yticks[] = -0.1:0.2:0.7
# Initial plot for reference
scatterlines!(a, box, color = 1:4, markersize = 20, linewidth = 5)
# Transformed plot
p2 = scatterlines!(a, box, color = 1:4, markersize = 20, linewidth = 5)
origin!(p2, 1,0,0) # apply rotation & scaling relative to the center of the box
scale!(p2, 2, 2) # double x, y
Makie.rotate!(p2, pi/2) # 90° rotation
translate!(p2, -0.5, 0.5) # translate 0.5 left, 0.5 up

By default, calling these functions will overwrite the value set by a previous invocation. So if you call translate!(plot, 1,0,0); translate!(plot, 0,1,0)
the translation will be (0,1,0)
. To accumulate transformation you need to add Accum
as the first argument, e.g. translate!(Accum, plot, 0,1,0)
Transformation Function
The transform_func
is a function that gets applied to the input data of a plot after convert_arguments()
(type normalization) and dim_converts (handling of units and categorical value). It is typically managed by an Axis. For example, if you set ax.xscale[] = log
, the underlying ax.scene
will have it's transformation function set to (log, indentity)
which will propagate to the plots inside the axis/scene.
using Makie
f, a, p = scatter(1:10);
Makie.transform_func(a.scene) # (identity, identity)
Makie.transform_func(p) # (identity, identity)
a.xscale[] = log
Makie.transform_func(a.scene) # (log, identity)
Makie.transform_func(p) # (log, identity)
You can set the transformation function of a plot by updating plot.transformation.transform_func[] = new_func
. This will also change the transformation function of each child plot. Note that this will be reset when the plots parent transformation function changes, e.g. if ax.xscale
is set in the example above. Another option is to create the plot with an explicitly given Transformation
object, which can detach the plots transformation from its parent.
Scene Transformation
The Scene also holds onto a Transformation
object. It's transform_func
acts as a default for any plot added to the scene. Its model
transformation acts as a secondary transformation to any plot, i.e. it is applied after the plots own model transformation scene.transformation.model[] * plot.transformation.model[]
. The scene itself, i.e. its viewport, is not affected by the Transformation
As eluded to in the transformation function section there are some cases where constructing a Transformation
yourself can be useful. For example, you may want to apply transform_func
before running a triangulation algorithm in a recipe so that the triangulation doesn't get distorted. Or you may want to chain transformations of a series of plots to keep them relative to each other (see below). There are a few constructors which are helpful to know for this.
If you want to fully detach a plot from its parents transformations, you can create it with transformation = Transformation()
. If you want to remove only the transform_func
but not model transformations, you can use transformation = Transformation(parent, transform_func = identity)
. You can also pass different starting values for translation
, scale
and rotation
to these functions. This will not affect whether the parents model transformations are considered.
As an example, here are two arms on a cart raising a box with a rope.
using GLMakie
using GLMakie
using Makie: Vec3d
f = Figure(size = (600, 400))
a = Axis(f[2, 2], aspect = DataAspect())
ylims!(0, 3); xlims!(-3, 3)
# Cart
cart = Transformation()
scatter!(a, [-0.32, -0.15, 0.15, 0.32], fill(0.09, 4), transformation = cart,
marker = Circle, color = :transparent, strokewidth = 2, strokecolor = :black,
markerspace = :data, markersize = 0.1
linesegments!(a, [-0.4, 0.4], [0.2, 0.2], transformation = cart,
color = :black, linewidth = 5
# arms
arm1 = Transformation(cart, origin = Vec3d(0, 0.2, 0))
linesegments!(a, [0, 0], [0.2, 2], transformation = arm1,
color = :black, linewidth = 5, linecap = :round
arm2 = Transformation(arm1, origin = Vec3d(0, 2, 0))
linesegments!(a, [0.0, 1.5], [2, 2], transformation = arm2,
color = :black, linewidth = 5, linecap = :round
# rope - we want this to just extend downwards rather than inherit rotations
rope_length = Observable(1.0)
rope_points = map(arm2.model, rope_length) do model, len
# position of end of arm2 after transformations apply
rope_origin = (model * Point4(1.5, 2, 0, 1))[Vec(1,2)]
rope_end = rope_origin - Vec2(0, len)
return [rope_origin, rope_end]
crate_origin = map(ps -> ps[2] .+ Vec2(0, -0.12), rope_points)
linesegments!(a, rope_points,
color = :black, linewidth = 3, linestyle = :dot, linecap = :round
scatter!(a, crate_origin,
marker = Rect, color = :white, strokewidth = 2, strokecolor = :black,
markerspace = :data, markersize = Vec2f(0.3, 0.2)
# Move cart
sl1 = Slider(f[3, 2], range = range(-4, 4, length = 101))
on(v -> translate!(cart, v, 0, 0), sl1.value)
# Pivot arm 1
sl2 = Slider(f[1, 2], range = range(-pi/3, pi/3, length = 101))
on(v -> Makie.rotate!(arm1, -v), sl2.value)
# Pivot arm 2
sl3 = Slider(f[2, 1], range = range(-pi/3, pi/3, length = 101), horizontal = false)
on(v -> Makie.rotate!(arm2, -v), sl3.value)
# Extend rope
sl4 = Slider(f[2, 3], range = range(2, 0.1, length = 101), startvalue = 1.0, horizontal = false)
on(v -> rope_length[] = v, sl4.value)
# Set up some configuration
set_close_to!(sl1, -1.0) # move cart to -1
set_close_to!(sl2, -0.5) # angle arm1 to the left
set_close_to!(sl3, 0.5) # counter-angle arm2 to be horizontal
set_close_to!(sl4, 0.5) # raise crate