
triplot(x, y; kwargs...)
triplot(positions; kwargs...)
triplot(triangles::Triangulation; kwargs...)

Plots a triangulation based on the provided position or Triangulation from DelaunayTriangulation.jl.


  • show_points = false determines whether to plot the individual points. Note that this will only plot points included in the triangulation.

  • show_convex_hull = false determines whether to plot the convex hull.

  • show_ghost_edges = false determines whether to plot the ghost edges.

  • show_constrained_edges = false determines whether to plot the constrained edges.

  • recompute_centers = false determines whether to recompute the representative points for the ghost edge orientation. Note that this will mutate tri.representative_point_list directly.

  • markersize = 12 sets the size of the points.

  • marker = :circle sets the shape of the points.

  • markercolor = :black sets the color of the points.

  • strokecolor = :black sets the color of triangle edges.

  • strokewidth = 1 sets the linewidth of triangle edges.

  • linestyle = :solid sets the linestyle of triangle edges.

  • triangle_color = (:white, 0.0) sets the color of the triangles.

  • convex_hull_color = :red sets the color of the convex hull.

  • convex_hull_linestyle = :dash sets the linestyle of the convex hull.

  • convex_hull_linewidth = 1 sets the width of the convex hull.

  • ghost_edge_color = :blue sets the color of the ghost edges.

  • ghost_edge_linestyle = :solid sets the linestyle of the ghost edges.

  • ghost_edge_linewidth = 1 sets the width of the ghost edges.

  • ghost_edge_extension_factor = 0.1 sets the extension factor for the rectangle that the exterior ghost edges are extended onto.

  • bounding_box::Union{Automatic, Rect2, Tuple} = automatic: Sets the bounding box for truncating ghost edges which can be a Rect2 (or BBox) or a tuple of the form (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). By default, the rectangle will be given by [a - eΔx, b + eΔx] × [c - eΔy, d + eΔy] where e is the ghost_edge_extension_factor, Δx = b - a and Δy = d - c are the lengths of the sides of the rectangle, and [a, b] × [c, d] is the bounding box of the points in the triangulation.

  • constrained_edge_color = :magenta sets the color of the constrained edges.

  • constrained_edge_linestyle = :solid sets the linestyle of the constrained edges.

  • constrained_edge_linewidth = 1 sets the width of the constrained edges.


A triplot plots a triangle mesh generated from an arbitrary set of points. The input data can either be point based (like scatter or lines) or a Triangulation from DelaunayTriangulation.jl.

using CairoMakie
using DelaunayTriangulation

using Random

points = randn(Point2f, 50)
f, ax, tr = triplot(points, show_points = true, triangle_color = :lightblue)

tri = triangulate(points)
ax, tr = triplot(f[1, 2], tri, show_points = true)

You can use triplot to visualise the ghost edges surrounding the boundary.

using CairoMakie
using DelaunayTriangulation

n = 20
angles = range(0, 2pi, length = n+1)[1:end-1]
x = [cos.(angles); 2 .* cos.(angles .+ pi/n)]
y = [sin.(angles); 2 .* sin.(angles .+ pi/n)]
inner = [n:-1:1; n] # clockwise inner
outer = [(n+1):(2n); n+1] # counter-clockwise outer
boundary_nodes = [[outer], [inner]]
points = [x'; y']
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes = boundary_nodes)

f, ax, tr = triplot(tri; show_ghost_edges = true, show_points = true)

You can also highlight the constrained edges and display the convex hull, which is especially useful when the triangulation is no longer convex.

using CairoMakie
using DelaunayTriangulation

using Random

outer = [
inner = [
boundary_points = [[outer], [inner]]
boundary_nodes, points = convert_boundary_points_to_indices(boundary_points)
tri = triangulate(points; boundary_nodes = boundary_nodes)
refine!(tri; max_area=1e-3*get_area(tri))

f, ax, tr = triplot(tri, show_constrained_edges = true, constrained_edge_linewidth = 4, show_convex_hull = true)