surface(x, y, z)
Plots a surface, where
(x, y)
define a grid whose heights are the entries in
may be
which define a regular grid,
which define an irregular grid.
has the conversion trait
ContinuousSurface <: SurfaceLike
Specific to
lowclip::Union{Nothing, Symbol, <:Colorant} = nothing
sets a color for any value below the colorrange. -
highclip::Union{Nothing, Symbol, <:Colorant} = nothing
sets a color for any value above the colorrange. -
invert_normals::Bool = false
inverts the normals generated for the surface. This can be useful to illuminate the other side of the surface.
visible::Bool = true
sets whether the plot will be rendered or not. -
overdraw::Bool = false
sets whether the plot will draw over other plots. This specifically means ignoring depth checks in GL backends. -
transparency::Bool = false
adjusts how the plot deals with transparency. In GLMakietransparency = true
results in using Order Independent Transparency. -
fxaa::Bool = true
adjusts whether the plot is rendered with fxaa (anti-aliasing). -
inspectable::Bool = true
sets whether this plot should be seen byDataInspector
. -
depth_shift::Float32 = 0f0
adjusts the depth value of a plot after all other transformations, i.e. in clip space, where0 <= depth <= 1
. This only applies to GLMakie and WGLMakie and can be used to adjust render order (like a tunable overdraw). -
sets a model matrix for the plot. This replaces adjustments made withtranslate!
. -
colormap::Union{Symbol, Vector{<:Colorant}} = :viridis
sets the colormap that is sampled for numericcolor
s. -
colorrange::Tuple{<:Real, <:Real}
sets the values representing the start and end points ofcolormap
. -
nan_color::Union{Symbol, <:Colorant} = RGBAf(0,0,0,0)
sets a replacement color forcolor = NaN
. -
space::Symbol = :data
sets the transformation space for vertices generated by surface. SeeMakie.spaces()
for possible inputs.
Generic 3D
shading = true
enables lighting. -
diffuse::Vec3f = Vec3f(0.4)
sets how strongly the red, green and blue channel react to diffuse (scattered) light. -
specular::Vec3f = Vec3f(0.2)
sets how strongly the object reflects light in the red, green and blue channels. -
shininess::Real = 32.0
sets how sharp the reflection is. -
ssao::Bool = false
adjusts whether the plot is rendered with ssao (screen space ambient occlusion). Note that this only makes sense in 3D plots and is only applicable withfxaa = true
using GLMakie
xs = LinRange(0, 10, 100)
ys = LinRange(0, 15, 100)
zs = [cos(x) * sin(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
surface(xs, ys, zs, axis=(type=Axis3,))
using GLMakie
using DelimitedFiles
volcano = readdlm(Makie.assetpath("volcano.csv"), ',', Float64)
colormap = :darkterrain,
colorrange = (80, 190),
axis=(type=Axis3, azimuth = pi/4))
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using GLMakie
# This example was provided by Moritz Schauer (@mschauer).
Define the precision matrix (inverse covariance matrix)
for the Gaussian noise matrix. It approximately coincides
with the Laplacian of the 2d grid or the graph representing
the neighborhood relation of pixels in the picture,
function gridlaplacian(m, n)
S = sparse(0.0I, n*m, n*m)
linear = LinearIndices((1:m, 1:n))
for i in 1:m
for j in 1:n
for (i2, j2) in ((i + 1, j), (i, j + 1))
if i2 <= m && j2 <= n
S[linear[i, j], linear[i2, j2]] -= 1
S[linear[i2, j2], linear[i, j]] -= 1
S[linear[i, j], linear[i, j]] += 1
S[linear[i2, j2], linear[i2, j2]] += 1
return S
# d is used to denote the size of the data
d = 150
# Sample centered Gaussian noise with the right correlation by the method
# based on the Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrix
data = 0.1randn(d,d) + reshape(
cholesky(gridlaplacian(d,d) + 0.003I) \ randn(d*d),
d, d
surface(data; shading=false, colormap = :deep)
surface(data; shading=false, colormap = :deep)
These docs were autogenerated using Makie: v0.18.4, GLMakie: v0.7.4, CairoMakie: v0.9.4, WGLMakie: v0.7.4