Basic Tutorial


Here is a quick tutorial to get you started with Makie!

Makie is the name of the whole plotting ecosystem and Makie.jl is the main package that describes how plots work. To actually render and save plots, we need a backend that knows how to translate plots into images or vector graphics.

There are three main backends which you can use to render plots (for more information, have a look at Backends ):

  • CairoMakie.jl if you want to render vector graphics or high quality 2D images and don't need interactivity or true 3D rendering.

  • GLMakie.jl if you need interactive windows and true 3D rendering but no vector output.

  • Or WGLMakie.jl which is similar to GLMakie but works in web browsers, not native windows.

This tutorial uses CairoMakie, but the code can be executed with any backend. Note that CairoMakie can create images but it cannot display them.

To see the output of plotting commands when using CairoMakie, we recommend you either use an IDE which supports png or svg output, such as VSCode, Atom/Juno, Jupyter, Pluto, etc., or try using a viewer package such as ElectronDisplay.jl , or alternatively save your plots to files directly. The Julia REPL by itself does not have the ability to show the plots.

Ok, now that this is out of the way, let's get started!


First, we import CairoMakie. This makes all the exported symbols from Makie.jl available as well.

using CairoMakie          

Important objects

The objects most important for our first steps with Makie are the Figure , the Axis and plots. In a normal Makie plot you will usually find a Figure which contains an Axis which contains one or more plot objects like Lines or Scatter .

In the next steps, we will take a look at how we can create these objects.

An empty figure

The basic container object in Makie is the Figure . It is a canvas onto which we can add objects like Axis , Colorbar , Legend and others.

Let's create a Figure and give it a background color other than the default white so we can see it. Returning a Figure from an expression will display it if your coding environment can show images.

f = Figure(backgroundcolor = :tomato)          

Another common thing to do is to give a figure a different size or resolution. The default is 800x600, let's try halving the height:

f = Figure(backgroundcolor = :tomato, resolution = (800, 300))          

Adding an Axis

The most common object you can add to a figure which you need for most plotting is the Axis . The usual syntax for adding such an object to a figure is to specify a position in the Figure 's layout as the first argument. We'll learn more about layouts later, but for now the position f[1, 1] will just fill the whole figure.

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])

The default axis has no title or labels, you can pass those as keyword arguments. For a whole list of available attributes, check the docstring for Axis (you can also do that by running ?Axis in the REPL). Be warned, it's very long!

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1],
    title = "A Makie Axis",
    xlabel = "The x label",
    ylabel = "The y label"

Adding a plot to an Axis

Now we're ready to actually plot something into an Axis !

Makie has many different plotting functions, the first we will learn about is lines! . Let's try plotting a sine function into an Axis , by passing it as the first argument:

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
x = range(0, 10, length=100)
y = sin.(x)
lines!(ax, x, y)

There we have our first line plot.

Scatter plot

Another common function is scatter! . It works very similar to lines! but shows separate markers for each input point.

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
x = range(0, 10, length=100)
y = sin.(x)
scatter!(ax, x, y)

Creating Figure, Axis and plot in one call

So far we have seen how to plot into an existing Axis with lines! and scatter! .

However, it would be nice if we didn't have to explicitly create Figure and Axis for every plot that we're making.

That's why every plotting function comes in a pair, one version that plots into an existing Axis and one that creates its own Axis implicitly for convenience. For example, lines! mutates an existing Axis , lines creates an implicit one, scatter! mutates, scatter does not, and so on.

Let's see how to make a line plot without creating Figure and Axis ourselves first.

x = range(0, 10, length=100)
y = sin.(x)
lines(x, y)          

The return type of lines(x, y) is FigureAxisPlot . The lines function first creates a Figure , then puts an Axis into it and finally adds a plot of type Lines to that axis.

Because these three objects are created at once, the function returns all three, just bundled up into one FigureAxisPlot object. That's just so we can overload the display behavior for that type to match Figure . Normally, multiple return values are returned as Tuple s in Julia but it's uncommon to overload display for Tuple types.

If you need the objects, for example to add more things to the figure later and edit axis and plot attributes, you could destructure the return value:

figure, axis, lineplot = lines(x, y)

As you can see, the output of returning the extracted figure is the same.

Passing Figure and Axis styles

You might wonder how to specify a different resolution for this scatter plot, or set an axis title and labels. Because a normal plotting function like lines or scatter creates these objects before it creates the plot, you can pass special keyword arguments to it called axis and figure . You can pass any kind of object with symbol-value pairs and these will be used as keyword arguments for Figure and Axis , respectively.

x = range(0, 10, length=100)
y = sin.(x)
scatter(x, y;
    figure = (; resolution = (400, 400)),
    axis = (; title = "Scatter plot", xlabel = "x label")

The ; in (; resolution = (400, 400)) is nothing special, it just clarifies that we want a one-element NamedTuple and not a variable called resolution . It's good habit to include it but it's not needed for NamedTuple s with more than one entry.

Argument conversions

So far we have called lines and scatter with x and y arguments, where x was a range object and y vector of numbers. Most plotting functions have different options how you can call them. The input arguments are converted internally to one or more target representations that can be handled by the rendering backends.

Here are a few different examples of what you can use with lines :

An interval and a function:

lines(0..10, sin)          

A collection of numbers and a function:

lines(0:1:10, cos)          

A collection of Point s from GeometryBasics.jl (which supplies most geometric primitives in Makie):

lines([Point(0, 0), Point(5, 10), Point(10, 5)])          

The input arguments you can use with lines and scatter are mostly the same because they have the same conversion trait PointBased . Other plotting functions have different conversion traits, heatmap for example expects two-dimensional grid data. The respective trait is called DiscreteSurface .

Layering multiple plots

As we've seen above, every plotting function has a version with and one without ! at the end. For example, there's scatter and scatter! , lines and lines! , etc.

To plot two things into the same axis, you can use the mutating plotting functions like lines! and scatter! . For example, here's how you could plot two lines on top of each other:

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

f, ax, l1 = lines(x, sin)
l2 = lines!(ax, x, cos)

The second lines! call plots into the axis created by the first lines call. It's colored differently because the Axis keeps track of what has been plotted into it and cycles colors for similar plotting functions.

You can also leave out the axis argument for convenience, then the axis being used is the current_axis() , which is usually just the axis that was created last.

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

f, ax, l1 = lines(x, sin)
lines!(x, cos)

Note that you cannot pass figure and axis keywords to mutating plotting functions like lines! or scatter! . That's because they don't create an Figure and Axis , and we chose not to allow modification of the existing objects in plotting calls so it's clearer what is going on.


Every plotting function has attributes which you can set through keyword arguments. The lines in the previous example have colors from Makie's default palette, but we can easily specify our own.

There are multiple ways you can specify colors, but common ones are:

  • By name, like :red or "red"

  • By hex string, like "#ffccbk"

  • With color types like the Makie-exported RGBf(0.5, 0, 0.6) or RGBAf(0.3, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8)

  • As a tuple where the first part is a color and the second an alpha value to make it transparent, like (:red, 0.5)

You can read more about colors at .

Here's a plot with one named color and one where we use RGBf :

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

f, ax, l1 = lines(x, sin, color = :tomato)
l2 = lines!(ax, x, cos, color = RGBf(0.2, 0.7, 0.9))

Other plotting functions have different attributes. The function scatter , for example, does not only have the color attribute, but also a markersize attribute.

You can read about all possible attributes by running ?scatter in the REPL, and examples are shown on the page scatter .

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

f, ax, sc1 = scatter(x, sin, color = :red, markersize = 5)
sc2 = scatter!(ax, x, cos, color = :blue, markersize = 10)

You can also manipulate most plot attributes afterwards with the syntax plot.attribute = new_value .

sc1.marker = :utriangle
sc1.markersize = 20

sc2.color = :transparent
sc2.markersize = 20
sc2.strokewidth = 1
sc2.strokecolor = :purple


Array attributes

A lot of attributes can be set to either a single value or an array with as many elements as there are data points. For example, it is usually much more performant to draw many points with one scatter object, than to create many scatter objects with one point each.

Here, we vary markersize and color:

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

scatter(x, sin,
    markersize = range(5, 15, length=100),
    color = range(0, 1, length=100),
    colormap = :thermal

Note that the color array does not actually contain colors, rather the numerical values are mapped to the plot's colormap . There are many different colormaps to choose from, take a look on the Colors page.

The values are mapped to colors via the colorrange attribute, which by default goes from the minimum to the maximum color value. But we can also limit or expand the range manually. For example, we can constrain the previous scatter plot's color range to (0.33, 0.66), which will clip the colors at the bottom and the top.

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

scatter(x, sin,
    markersize = range(5, 15, length=100),
    color = range(0, 1, length=100),
    colormap = :thermal,
    colorrange = (0.33, 0.66)

Of course you can also use an array of colors directly, in which case the colorrange is ignored:

using CairoMakie

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

colors = repeat([:crimson, :dodgerblue, :slateblue1, :sienna1, :orchid1], 20)

scatter(x, sin, color = colors, markersize = 20)          

Simple legend

If you add label attributes to your plots, you can call the axislegend function to add a Legend with all labeled plots to the current Axis , or optionally to one you pass as the first argument.

using CairoMakie

x = range(0, 10, length=100)

lines(x, sin, color = :red, label = "sin")
lines!(x, cos, color = :blue, label = "cos")


Makie uses a powerful layout system under the hood, which allows you to create very complex figures with many subplots. So far, we have only used the default position [1, 1], where the Axis is created in a standard plotting call.

We can make subplots by giving the location of the subplot in our layout grid as the first argument to our plotting function. The basic syntax for specifying the location in a figure is fig[row, col] .

using CairoMakie

x = LinRange(0, 10, 100)
y = sin.(x)

fig = Figure()
lines(fig[1, 1], x, y, color = :red)
lines(fig[1, 2], x, y, color = :blue)
lines(fig[2, 1:2], x, y, color = :green)


Each lines call creates a new axis in the position given as the first argument, that's why we use lines and not lines! here.

We can also create a couple of axes manually at first and then plot into them later. For example, we can create a figure with three axes.

using CairoMakie

fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2])
ax3 = Axis(fig[2, 1:2])

And then we can continue to plot into these empty axes.

lines!(ax1, 0..10, sin)
lines!(ax2, 0..10, cos)
lines!(ax3, 0..10, sqrt)

Legend and Colorbar

We have seen two Blocks so far, the Axis and the Legend which was created by the function axislegend . All Block s can be placed into the layout of a figure at arbitrary positions, which makes it easy to assemble complex figures.

In the same way as with the Axis before, you can also create a Legend manually and then place it freely, wherever you want, in the figure. There are multiple ways to create Legend s, for one of them you pass one vector of plot objects and one vector of label strings.

You can see here that we can deconstruct the return value from the two lines calls into one newly created axis and one plot object each. We can then feed the plot objects to the legend constructor. We place the legend in the second column and across both rows, which centers it nicely next to the two axes.

using CairoMakie

fig = Figure()
ax1, l1 = lines(fig[1, 1], 0..10, sin, color = :red)
ax2, l2 = lines(fig[2, 1], 0..10, cos, color = :blue)
Legend(fig[1:2, 2], [l1, l2], ["sin", "cos"])

The Colorbar works in a very similar way. We just need to pass a position in the figure to it, and one plot object. In this example, we use a heatmap .

You can see here that we split the return value of heatmap into three parts: the newly created figure, the axis and the heatmap plot object. This is useful as we can then continue with the figure fig and the heatmap hm which we need for the colorbar.

using CairoMakie

fig, ax, hm = heatmap(randn(20, 20))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)

The previous short syntax is basically equivalent to this longer, manual version. You can switch between those workflows however you please.

using CairoMakie

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, randn(20, 20))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)

Next steps

We've only looked at a small subset of Makie's functionality here.

You can read about the different available plotting functions with examples in the Plotting Functions section.

If you want to learn about making complex figures with nested sublayouts, have a look at the Layout Tutorial section.

If you're interested in creating interactive visualizations that use Makie's special Observables workflow, this is explained in more detail in the Observables & Interaction section.

If you want to create animated movies, you can find more information in the Animations section.