
violin(x, y; kwargs...)              

Draw a violin plot.


  • x : positions of the categories

  • y : variables whose density is computed


  • weights : vector of statistical weights (length of data). By default, each observation has weight 1 .

  • orientation=:vertical : orientation of the violins ( :vertical or :horizontal )

  • width=1 : width of the box before shrinking

  • gap=0.2 : shrinking factor, width -> width * (1 - gap)

  • show_median=false : show median as midline

  • side=:both : specify :left or :right to only plot the violin on one side

  • datalimits : specify values to trim the violin . Can be a Tuple or a Function (e.g. datalimits=extrema )


using CairoMakie

xs = rand(1:3, 1000)
ys = randn(1000)

violin(xs, ys)          

using CairoMakie

xs = rand(1:3, 1000)
ys = map(xs) do x
    return x == 1 ? randn() : x == 2 ? 0.5 * randn() : 5 * rand()

violin(xs, ys, datalimits = extrema)          

using CairoMakie

N = 1000
xs = rand(1:3, N)
dodge = rand(1:2, N)
side = rand([:left, :right], N)
color = @. ifelse(side == :left, :orange, :teal)
ys = map(side) do s
    return s == :left ? randn() : rand()

violin(xs, ys, dodge = dodge, side = side, color = color)          

using CairoMakie

N = 1000
xs = rand(1:3, N)
side = rand([:left, :right], N)
color = map(xs, side) do x, s
    colors = s == :left ? [:red, :orange, :yellow] : [:blue, :teal, :cyan]
    return colors[x]
ys = map(side) do s
    return s == :left ? randn() : rand()

violin(xs, ys, side = side, color = color)          

Using statistical weights

using CairoMakie, Distributions

N = 100_000
x = rand(1:3, N)
y = rand(Uniform(-1, 5), N)

w = pdf.(Normal(), x .- y)

fig = Figure()

violin(fig[1,1], x, y)
violin(fig[1,2], x, y, weights = w)
