
crossbar(x, y, ymin, ymax; kwargs...)              

Draw a crossbar. A crossbar represents a range with a (potentially notched) box. It is most commonly used as part of the boxplot .


  • x : position of the box

  • y : position of the midline within the box

  • ymin : lower limit of the box

  • ymax : upper limit of the box


  • orientation=:vertical : orientation of box ( :vertical or :horizontal )

  • width=1 : width of the box before shrinking

  • gap=0.2 : shrinking factor, width -> width * (1 - gap)

  • show_notch=false : draw the notch

  • notchmin=automatic : lower limit of the notch

  • notchmax=automatic : upper limit of the notch

  • notchwidth=0.5 : multiplier of width for narrowest width of notch

  • show_midline=true : show midline


using CairoMakie

xs = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
ys = rand(6)
ymins = ys .- 1
ymaxs = ys .+ 1
dodge = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]

crossbar(xs, ys, ymins, ymaxs, dodge = dodge, show_notch = true)