
A simple slider without a label. You can create a label using a Label object, for example. You need to specify a range that constrains the slider's possible values.

The currently selected value is in the attribute value . Don't change this value manually, but use the function set_close_to!(slider, value) . This is necessary to ensure the value is actually present in the range attribute.

You can double-click the slider to reset it (approximately) to the value present in startvalue .

If you set the attribute snap = false , the slider will move continously while dragging and only jump to the closest available value when releasing the mouse.

using GLMakie
fig = Figure()

ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])

sl_x = Slider(fig[2, 1], range = 0:0.01:10, startvalue = 3)
sl_y = Slider(fig[1, 2], range = 0:0.01:10, horizontal = false, startvalue = 6)

point = lift(sl_x.value, sl_y.value) do x, y
    Point2f(x, y)

scatter!(point, color = :red, markersize = 20)

limits!(ax, 0, 10, 0, 10)


Labelled sliders and grids

The functions labelslider! and labelslidergrid! are deprecated, use SliderGrid instead.