
Makie is the frontend package that defines all plotting functions. It is reexported by every backend, so you don't have to specifically install or import it.

There are four backends which concretely implement all abstract rendering capabilities defined in Makie:

Package Description
GLMakie.jl GPU-powered, interactive 2D and 3D plotting in standalone GLFW.jl windows.
CairoMakie.jl Cairo.jl based, non-interactive 2D (and some 3D) backend for publication-quality vector graphics.
WGLMakie.jl WebGL-based interactive 2D and 3D plotting that runs within browsers.
RPRMakie.jl An experimental Ray tracing backend.

Activating Backends

You can activate any backend by using the appropriate package and calling its activate! function.

Example with WGLMakie:

using WGLMakie