
Layoutables are objects which can be added to a Figure or Scene and have their location and size controlled by a GridLayout . In of itself, a Layoutable is an abstract type. A Figure has its own internal GridLayout and therefore offers simplified syntax for adding layoutables to it. If you want to work with a bare Scene , you can attach a GridLayout to its pixel area. The layoutscene function is supplied for this purpose.


A layout only controls an object's position or bounding box. A Layoutable can be controlled by the GridLayout of a Figure but not be added as a visual to the Figure. A Layoutable can also be added to a Scene without being inside any GridLayout, if you specify the bounding box yourself.

Adding to a Figure

Here's one way to add a Layoutable , in this case an Axis , to a Figure.

using CairoMakie

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])

Adding to a Scene

And here's how you can add the same Layoutable to a Scene, which is the primitive object underlying a Figure. As discussed above, layoutscene is an older convenience method to create a Scene with an attached GridLayout that tracks its size. This is mostly not needed anymore since Figures were added.

using CairoMakie

scene, layout = layoutscene()
ax = layout[1, 1] = Axis(scene)

Specifying a boundingbox directly

Sometimes you just want to place a Layoutable in a specific location, without it being controlled by a dynamic layout. You can do this by setting the bbox parameter, which is usually controlled by the layout, manually. The boundingbox should be a 2D Rect , and can also be an Observable if you plan to change it dynamically. The function BBox creates an Rect2f , but instead of passing origin and widths, you pass left, right, bottom and top boundaries directly.

Here's an example where two axes are placed manually:

using CairoMakie

f = Figure()
Axis(f, bbox = BBox(100, 300, 100, 500), title = "Axis 1")
Axis(f, bbox = BBox(400, 700, 200, 400), title = "Axis 2")

Deleting layoutables

To remove layoutables from their layout and the figure or scene, use delete!(layoutable) .